June 08, 2023
The Best Way To Save Your Fragrance
Most people want to savor the last bit of fragrance that they have in their bottle. They hold onto it, they stop using it, and they save it for special occasions.
Did you know this actually harms your fragrance?
Did you know this actually harms your fragrance?

What is oxidization? A chemical reaction that takes place when a substance comes into contact with oxygen or another oxidizing substance.
The longevity of your every fragrance is crucial and depends heavily on the atmosphere in which you decide to keep your fragrance collection.
When speaking about atmosphere we are contributing two main factors that increase exposure to oxidation, one being temperature and the other light exposure.
Technically speaking, aldehydes in the perfume become acidic, which can cause the juice to become darker. When working with natural ingredients, it is completely normal for them to evolve over time. Think of a fine wine– over time it will age and become darker in color... your perfume is the same!
Chemical Reactions: Luxury fragrance is comprised of raw materials and essential oils, allowing chemical reactions to be at greater risk composed of basic molecular structures– which we can see in some ingredients oxidize more quickly than others like citrus, fruits, or ozonic top notes as their compounds heavily rely on.
It's important to understand when speaking about oxidation that your fragrance is designed to keep safe– so if you receive your fragrance discolored it may have been damaged in shipment. In perfumery, carefully crafted fragrances are designed to air seal each bottle, each with a specifically designed atomizer to release a fine mist to ensure that the fragrance will not be exposed to air.
The Gist: With every spray, more and more oxygen gets into your bottle and this oxygen slowly and naturally breaks down the fragrance. Changing it. Making it not as good as when you first bought it.
So do yourself a favor: use it BEFORE you lose it.
And then get yourself a fresh bottle!
The longevity of your every fragrance is crucial and depends heavily on the atmosphere in which you decide to keep your fragrance collection.
When speaking about atmosphere we are contributing two main factors that increase exposure to oxidation, one being temperature and the other light exposure.
Technically speaking, aldehydes in the perfume become acidic, which can cause the juice to become darker. When working with natural ingredients, it is completely normal for them to evolve over time. Think of a fine wine– over time it will age and become darker in color... your perfume is the same!
Chemical Reactions: Luxury fragrance is comprised of raw materials and essential oils, allowing chemical reactions to be at greater risk composed of basic molecular structures– which we can see in some ingredients oxidize more quickly than others like citrus, fruits, or ozonic top notes as their compounds heavily rely on.
It's important to understand when speaking about oxidation that your fragrance is designed to keep safe– so if you receive your fragrance discolored it may have been damaged in shipment. In perfumery, carefully crafted fragrances are designed to air seal each bottle, each with a specifically designed atomizer to release a fine mist to ensure that the fragrance will not be exposed to air.
The Gist: With every spray, more and more oxygen gets into your bottle and this oxygen slowly and naturally breaks down the fragrance. Changing it. Making it not as good as when you first bought it.
So do yourself a favor: use it BEFORE you lose it.
And then get yourself a fresh bottle!