Pardon our French, but this seductive boudoir blend of sultry powder, arresting leather and tantalizing florals is not for the Green. A sensuous fantasy that will ignite your inner Femme fatale.
Sheer sensuous fantasy. The powdered top note evokes a woman who dresses for seduction - a soft trail of lipstick, the rustling of lace. The intimate ritual of a femme fatale who sees right through the fragile armor of men. Her sophistication is intriguing, as is the commerce she makes of her body. Under the bitter-sweet touch of almond, like a secret that unfolds, comes a hint of supple leather, fluid and flexible, that introduces what is to come: a boudoir, fingers that tighten on a leatherette sofa and the palpable presence of raw desire. Doesn’t every woman have the fantasy of being a temptress in a hotel bar, of yielding to desire in the intimacy of a lift or of giving way to sensuality in silk sheet luxury?
For one night only, one thrilling night, there are forbidden pleasures and delicious dangers behind the doors of a boudoir. She is a woman of fantasy in a real world - you can see her, hear her, touch her and smell her - and then she’s gone. The thrilling moments may never be recaptured. And you don’t even know her name.
This is not love. But you’ll never forget her.
Rose absolute, violet, leather, lily of the valley, tangerine, ginger, rice powder, amber, animal notes
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I’ve been searching for the perfect rose scent for a while, and I think I found it with this fragrance. One of my favorite ELDO perfumes, and I’m very happy I bought a full bottle.
It’s terrible! You spray the perfume, and the scent is gone within 20 minutes, if that. Disappointing and expensive, not worth it!
Love the name and the powdery, feminine fragrance. The powder is a bit strong once sprayed, but after it's settled, it's delightful!
The scent is so beautiful. I instantly relax and feel good.
A friend thought I would like this and gave me a little bit in a tiny bottle. Mercy! I ordered some right away and now I'm thinking I should have got the bigger bottle. For all its sexiness and dark mystery, it is surprisingly easy to live with and seems to be totally in tune with my own personal chemistry. Wear a tiny bit in the daytime and add more at night - you won't be sorry.
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I’ve been searching for the perfect rose scent for a while, and I think I found it with this fragrance. One of my favorite ELDO perfumes, and I’m very happy I bought a full bottle.
It’s terrible! You spray the perfume, and the scent is gone within 20 minutes, if that. Disappointing and expensive, not worth it!
Love the name and the powdery, feminine fragrance. The powder is a bit strong once sprayed, but after it's settled, it's delightful!
The scent is so beautiful. I instantly relax and feel good.
A friend thought I would like this and gave me a little bit in a tiny bottle. Mercy! I ordered some right away and now I'm thinking I should have got the bigger bottle. For all its sexiness and dark mystery, it is surprisingly easy to live with and seems to be totally in tune with my own personal chemistry. Wear a tiny bit in the daytime and add more at night - you won't be sorry.