This kit includes most of our creations: a selection of our Classic Collection and all fragrances of the Orange Extraordinaire Collection. With your kit, you will also receive a voucher card valid for 15% off your next purchase of a full-size fragrance.
*The exact composition of the discovery kit is subject to change at any time without prior notice. Only the minimum number of samples purchased is guaranteed.
500 Years
Archives 69
Clean Suede (Formerly Tom of Finland)
Divin’ Enfant
Eau de Protection
Exit the King
Experimentum Crucis
Fat Electrician
The Ghost in the Shell
Hermann à mes côtés me paraissait une ombre
Les Fleurs du déchet – I am Trash
Like This
Remarkable People
She was an Anomaly
Soul of my Soul
Sous Le Pont Mirabeau
Spice Must Flow
You or Someone Like You
Story of Your Life