November 09, 2022
Naughty Or Nice List
Welcome to our Naughty Or Nice List where you get to discover what your fragrance(s) say about you this holiday season! Naughty isn't always a bad thing, well at least in our eyes. Either way, you're bound to sleigh 😉 HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

You're shy, polite, and have the best manners around. You are the poster child of all things NICE– a gold star for you.
You're fun and flirty, and your charisma is contagious- the IT kid. There is no one quite like you- you'll never find yourself alone.
They want to be you or date you. You're the perfect person on paper, the overachiever, the dreamer, you live in your own delusion– but we LOVE that for you!
The homebody, hermit, the friend that likes to stay in and mind their business- but you are there for all of those you hold dear, you feel like home to many, and more should be like you!
You are destined to change the stereotypes of the world, you make a difference, an angel that walks the earth, a hero without a cape. You simply are divine, inside and out for being, simply you.

The chic, fashion-forward, the seduction of a person. You desire fine things, a fast life, and most importantly fun. A hedonist through and through, and all it is all HIGH MAINTENANCE to you. Simply Fabulous.
Some a side of you many will never see, you can hold a secret within- maybe even another part of you that you hold close. A kink, a fantasy, a family... there is more to you than meets the eye!
You like to hold a grudge, you expect loyalty and hope that others will make those sacrifices for you too- even if you are in the wrong. Your plan is to liberate, with good intentions, but often put yourself first.
Our little daredevil! You like to push boundaries, party, make love, and make memories. You enjoy the rush of sin, the touch on your skin, and never settle for a moment of rest. Live, Laugh, and Liver failure!
We love you, but you ARE the wild friend! You captivate and devour the room, sometimes you are overbearing and can be inconsiderate of those around you- but you live by the beat of your drum, no rules, no regulations, and no remorse. We dig it.
Try our curated Nice samples, or our Naughty samples, depending on what these fragrances truly say about you! Find your next signature scent and the perfect gift for your naughtiest loved one this holiday season, but hurry to ensure shipping on time.